Huge thanks to the Singapore Java User Group for having me as a speaker at their first event of 2018, Pivotal for hosting the event and providing pizza and drinks, as well as all the attendees for finding the time, all the positive feedback and good questions!

Despite taking place early in the new year, the event was very well-attended, and overall a lot of fun. The talk, titled Java 9, Episode 2, was, as the name suggests, a follow-up to another Java 9 event the group hosted a couple of weeks earlier. As such, I opted for a deep dive into a selection of smaller, less known Java 9 APIs, which weren’t covered at the previous event. Within about an hour, we used JShell to explore the updates to the Collections, Stream, CompletableFuture, Stackwalker, Process, HTTP/2 client, and JShell APIs. This was a fast-paced, live-demo session with plenty of examples.

Singapore Java User Group has a great team of organizers. Everything was arranged perfectly, and a high-quality recording of the talk was instantly published online. If you couldn’t be there, feel free to watch the session here:

As usual, the slides are available online (download here):

If you want to try the examples yourself, feel free to use the history of my JShell session: